Walking around Palermo you are going to spot in every square a big pan full of boiling oil, you have found a Panellaro, a guy that is going to craft for you the masterpiece of the street food in Palermo, the Pannelle e Crocchè Sandwich. It's fried stuff but it's not heavy, don't worry. Your stay in Palermo is not going to be complete without this super sandwich. Students in the break, builders, shop assistents, lawyers, moms, kids, in Palermo in every moment of the day there is someone who is eating this stuff, and the reason is simple, becasue IT IS SO DAM GOOD! The ingredients are simple, a Panella it's only a thin foil of fried chickpeameal, it used to bee the food of poor people who couldn't afford meat, but now along with the Crocchè, (fried potatos croquettes) now they have become the Golden gems of Palermo's street cusine. You have to eat it immediately, because the secret of a good Panelle and Crocchè sandwich, is that it has to be hot, so the stuff have to be fried in front, a regoular mix sandwich shoudl be stuffed with 3 Crocchè and 2 Pannelle, but if you want, is possible to order one stuffed only with Panelle (5) or only with Crocchè (5). It's street food so, even if it's possible to eat it also in some restaurant to have a real Palermo experience you shoudl eat it on the streets, standing, wrapped into a napkin or in the typical piece of brown paper, that in Palermo wraps all the street food. This kind of teaste is unique, you can have it only in Palermo, if you are in town order good Panelle and Crocchè sandwich, it' s thing that you are never going to forget... If you want to discover the real teaste of Palermo's street food, stay with palermhotels we are going to give the right advice to make your stay in Palermo a real culinary experience...