Hotel a Palermo


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Feast Of the Immaculate

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If you want to enjoy an incredible atmosphere, come to Palermo for the Immaculate Conception celebration, you are going to see an amazing environment, and the city of Palermo at its best. In the special night between the 7th and the 8th of november, a huge procession is going to be held in the streets of the city center, starting from the church of San Francesco, to end in the amazing environment of Piazza San Domenico. On the night of the 7th the beautiful silver statue of Mary, will be taken out for the procession by the Fraires of the congregation of the Immaculate Conception.

The day of "Immacolata" is also a wonderful occasion to try a number of sweets, that are typical of this feast, because every important feast in Palermo has its culinary tradition, the among them, you are going to enjoy a wide variety of sicilian Focaccias. The traditional Muffoletta, a local focaccia made of seasme bread stuffed with anchovy, olive oil and local cheese, is the typical breafast for the morning of the 8th of December, along with the always present spleen burger. For Lunch you can enjoy the traditional Baccalà, (dried salt-cured cod), one of the most loved dish by the locals in the winter time. Of course a Palermo a real feast has has always its sweet, so for the Immaculate Conception day in town is the first occasion of the year to meet  the true king of Palermo Xmas pastry is the Buccellato. So if you are in town for the December 8th don't miss the Buccellato, the sweet that marks the start of the Christmas culinary season. The Buccellato is a sweet doughnut, made of short pastry, and stuffed with candied fruit and fruit cake, and topped with honey, sugar or oval shaped colored sweets. There are many different varieties but they are all good! 

The days of the Immaculte Conception are a special occasion to enjoy the beginning of the XMAS season in Palermo, the unique, human and culinary atmosphere of the capital of Sicily, that with its deep rooted traditions has a lot to show in the winter time! Come to Palermo to enjoy the atmosphere of December! 

Destinazione Palermo

Destinazione Palermo
Sia che vi troviate a Palermo per turismo o in viaggio di lavoro, potrete alloggiare in uno degli hotel di PalermHotels. Il consorzio offre, grazie alle strutture alberghiere aderenti, sistemazioni di qualità in zone centrali della città di Palermo, ma anche vicino l'aeroporto di Palermo.
Per facilitare la scelta del hotel, il consorzio ha diviso gli alberghi in quattro zone: Centro storico, Palermo città, Mondello e Aeroporto - Golfo di Castellammare

Centro storico
Hotel situati in zone centralissime di Palermo Vi consentiranno di visitare la Cattedrale, i mercati rionali arabeggianti, il Teatro Massimo e tutte le famose chiese adorne di marmi mischi e stucchi barocchi.

Hotel Palermo centro storico

Palermo città
Hotel situati in zone strategiche della città: hotel vicino lo Stadio Renzo Barbera di Palermo, hotel vicino il Porto di Palermo, hotel vicino Monreale e il suo maestoso Duomo, hotel vicino Baida e San Martino delle Scale. In ogni istante, potrete muovervi con conmodità raggiungendo in poco tempo la Vostra destinazione anche grazie ai mezzi pubblici.

Hotel Palermo città

Hotel in riva al mare, presso la spiaggia attrezzata con bar e chioschi tipici e lidi attrezzati anche per famiglie. Mondello è il ritrovo della vita notturna estiva a Palermo.

Hotel Mondello

Aeroporto e Golfo di Castellammare
Hotel per viaggi di lavoro vicino l'aeroporto Falcone-Borsellino. Alberghi vicino la meravigliosa costa del Golfo di Castellammare con i Comuni di Cinisi, Terrasini e Balestrate che offrono oltre a un mare incontaminato, la calda accoglienza dei siciliani.

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